Tuesday 11 June 2013

Mankind will destroy our planet?

Beautiful tress have been chopped down, world's oceans have been dumped with rubbish and all sort of chemicals, magnificent animals and plants have extinct.Great jungles and forests are in critical conditions. Who might be responsible?

Sadly, ourselves We have devastated our planet's habitat. 50 years ago, there were around only 2 billion people. Today, there are 7 billion and still growing. Predictions are that by 2050, there will be 9 billion.Each of us need food, air, water, home, schools etc. We are totally dependent upon the natural world. Climate change is already taking place. Polar bears having difficultly to find food in summer because the ice melts and seals go out of reach. Animals in Africa will suffer the sun's heat. 1 million people go hungry everyday. 

How can we stop this all? After all, we all started it. What can be done? We can't reverse now..

We should stop producing more and more babies. Seek medical conditions and use of contraception.Parents will find easy to feed four children instead of ten. If you believe in God whom will fix these problems then you are wrong. God never interrupts with us. He gave us brains to use. We must start looking after our planet as well as ourselves. 

What would happen if we don't stop? 

People will grow dramatically, more forests will disappear.Animals and plants will extinct.People will die. Less space for our natural world. Ecosystem will collapse. We'll find very hard to find food, jobs, houses. Famine will arrive and we'll suffer. People in thousands and millions will die.

We must do something before it's too late. 



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